What’s The Problem With Smart Meters?

Watch this short 2 minute video to quickly learn the hazards of Smart Meters. The Problem With Smart Meters from Grassroots Environmental.

An 2012 interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt about evidence of damage to human health from “smart” meters. This interview is from the making of the revelatory documentary Take Back Your Power.

Microwave Radiation

13,381 burst transmissions of radiation per day or about once every 6.5 seconds on average. Source: Sacramento Municipal Utility District 7/2012. View the SMUD field test table here. 13,381 burst transmissions. SMUD originally published that “Smart meters transmit radio signals only once every four hours” until September of 2012 when SMUD finally admitted what was already known. The Peak Power of these burst transmissions are up to 240X more powerful than a cell phone per the official SMUD field test of 10/2012.

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity is technically know as “High Frequency Voltage Transients” or HFVT. It is the very sudden, rapid, erratic and violent change in voltage that happens thousands of times per second instead of the normal 60 cycle electricity we are used to here in the USA. Dirty Electricity is caused by the opening and closing of electrical switches which causes a spark. The spark causes a burst of radio frequency radiation (RFR) through the air and a conducted emission onto all attached wiring circuits. Wiring circuits are in all your walls and they surround you like an antenna cage. This means you are being irradiated from all sides if your home has Dirty Electricity.

Dirty Electricity in doctors office before remediation.

Dirty Electricity in doctors office before remediation.

After remediation.

After remediation.