Are SMUD Power Lines Harming You?
Why Worry About Magnetic Fields From SMUD Power Lines?
SMUD Power Lines may be dangerously close to your bedroom or living areas creating health hazard magnetic fields extending for hundreds of feet or yards. While 62% of homes in America have 1 mG or less of magnetic field (MF) exposure (slight concern) some homes tested on 20th Street in Sacramento have 7.5 to 9 mG on the bedroom pillow which puts them in the 98th percentile of 24-hour exposures nationwide. What is your MF exposure at your home? Find out with the SMUD FREE LOAN magnetic field meter.
Residents on 20th Street have suffered unexplained severe illnesses and premature death. What is your exposure?
SMUD staff recently told 20th Street residents: “SMUD has NO Safety Limits for magnetic fields (outside of ICNIRP short term exposure limits), and there is no evidence for long-term health concerns. We are all in this together, and we are not concerned for ourselves or our own families”.
Borrow a SMUD Magnetic Field Meter for FREE!
Call SMUD: 916-732-6009

“Crossarm line configurations, as above, create the largest magnetic fields but incur the smallest “project cost per mile”.
Magnetic field strength increases greatly as you get closer to the source.
Magnetic fields are not easily shielded and will penetrate buildings, earth and people.
Magnetic fields can be reduced up to 12 fold by better circuit current & phase balance, closer conductor spacing and more effective line configuration on poles.
Utility Proven Solutions are available.
SMUD Board Policy SD-6: Safety proclaims to Create a Safe Environment and Assure the Safety of the Public yet SMUD won’t or can’t tell you how much magnetic field exposure is SAFE (because regulatory bodies can’t agree on a safe level).
However, thousands of peer-reviewed journal articles found that people exposed to magnetic fields greater than 1 milligauss suffer from more health problems.
Increased risk of childhood leukemia (the odds ratio is higher than 1 above 2 milligauss:
250% Increased risk of miscarriages at levels above 2.5 milligauss for longer than 14 minutes:
600% Increased risk of miscarriages at 16 milligauss and above for a one time and momentary exposure:
Depression and suicide in electricians at less than 1 milligauss for less than 1 year:
Concerns about Industry Bias in the World Health Organization (WHO) EMF reports:
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