EMRSAt this time there are only eight of us with this level of certification in the USA.

12 months, four certification seminars, 21 courses of study and 14,000 air miles latter I received my certificate as a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) in February of this year.  Phwew, I made it.  It was a big and all consuming task but it paid off in the skills that I learned and the new friends I made along the way.  I really never ever thought about going back to school at my age but this is so fascinating that it more fun than work.  The study and book learning were very informative and the exams were confirming and rewarding but the special EMF testing techniques and protocols that I picked up from the IBE instructors really made the difference. IBE instructors made the biggest difference for me.

Although I was involved in electric power quality improvement for electrical efficiency in 2008 it was the battle we had with our electric utility, SMUD, that really motivated me.  Once we won the foothold of being able to have the safe and reliable analog meter back I saw the need to become aware of all facets of EMF assessment and remediation because biologically experimental smart meters were not the only EMF dangers in the american home. The so-called smart meter just pushed people over the symptomatic threshold into the realm of hyper-sensitivity to all things electric.

I really get a thrill from hearing my clients rave about the great sleep they are getting since I converted their bedroom into an ultra low EMF sleep sanctuary.  Never did any of their doctors or druggists provide them with such a sound and refreshing sleep but none of those came to give the house a check up for EMF or knew how to do EMF remediation. Duh!

The other really rewarding activity is working with my certified electrician friend Dylan Lecair when we correct wiring code violations that cause dangerous magnetic fields. Although we know there is a code violation from my initial magnetic field survey it can take us 3 hours to 2 days to find it and correct it.  Recently we lowered a 10 mG magnetic field found on the pillows of the master bed to a very low and safe level of .25 mG. It is a real challenge, a lot of fun and clients feel better as the result!

I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life: I get paid for helping people avoid pain, suffering and family injury in their own home and I have fun while I am doing it!  I hope and pray that I can do my best with what God gave me for a very long time to come.