Join us for a seminar by Eric Windheim BA, EMRS, Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
Owner of • Founder of Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness
Sunday, August 23, 2015 • 2 pm to 4:30 pm 
California State Grange
3830 U StreetSacramento, CA 95817
FREE admission and parking
Reserve Seating Click Here
For Flyer Click this > The-Health-Effects-of-EMF-Grange
Which common devices emit EMF and how do they damage your health?
What devices should be avoided and what are safer alternatives?
What EMF level is safe according to: Government, Building Biologists?
What can you do today to make your home a safer place to live in?
Which supplements can protect and restore you from EMF damage?
There will be Q & A after the presentation.
Much thanks to the Sacramento Grange for providing the venue.
EMFs are electromagnetic pollution that can make you very sick
We are innocently exposed to EMFs in our homes, offices and schools:
- Microwave radiation
- Magnetic fields
- Electric fields
- Dirty electricity
- Body voltage
Eric will detect, measure & display these EMF toxins with precision instruments at the presentation.
The Symptoms Below— have been linked to EMF exposure in numerous government studies, reports and independent, peer-reviewed papers around the world.
Headaches • ringing in the ears • insomnia • nightmares • heart arrhythmias • A Fib • tachycardia • memory loss • brain fog • digestive problems • nausea • weight changes • joint/muscle pain • inflammation • lower pH • increased blood sugar or blood pressure • diabetes • asthma • allergies • nose bleeds • eye pain • vision loss • fatigue • cramps • menstruation issues • loss of libido • dizziness • agitation • anxiety • irritability • depression • suicide • behavior changes • autism • ADD • ADHD • cancer • leukemia • miscarriage
Eric creates “Safe Havens in a Toxic Electromagnetic World” for his clients. He starts with a free phone consultation to see if his services are a good fit for his client. The next step is an on site EMF Assessment to determine client risk levels. Remediation may be required which can be no cost, low cost, moderate or costly. Sometimes Eric recommends the service of licensed electricians and plumbers to correct hazardous code violations. About 75% of Eric’s clients are already EMF symptomatic with the rest being prudently precautionary. Clients can feel better immediately or by the next morning after a good nights sleep in a Safe Haven.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Eric Windheim 916-395-7336
Can I get a Flyer of the event? Yes, click this > The-Health-Effects-of-EMF-Grange
Free Parking is available on the site and the street.
Cell Phones: please keep them OFF since EMF sensitive people will be in attendance.
Fragrances: Please respect chemically sensitive people by being “unscented” for this event.
No Photos, videos or recording during the presentation please.
Pets: only companion animals are allowed.
Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Yes.
Admission & Seating: RSVP ticket holders get preference over walk-ins.
Which household devices emit EMF and how do they damage your health? What steps are needed to make your home a safer place to live in? Which supplements protect and restore you from EMF damage? EMF assessments for your home or office are available! EMFs are electromagnetic pollution that can make you very sick We are innocently exposed to these EMFs in our homes, offices and schools: Dirty electricity • Microwave radiation • Magnetic fields • Electric fields Eric will detect, measure & display these EMF toxins with precision instruments. Find out how to protect yourself. Make your home a safe place to live and thrive. FREE initial phone consultation: 916-395-7336.
Thank you for the wealth of information presented in the workshop at the Grange. I knew I didn’t want electric “smart meters,” but I didn’t even think about gas or water utilities also installing smart meters. Your presentation has led me to read a lot more on topic and start taking actions. thanks again.
… Kat