media.icon.windheim2Windheim EMF Solutions been highlighted in several magazines and online interviews discussing the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and how to minimize your exposure through inspection, testing, measurement, risk assessment, abatement, and remediation. We’ve recapped the interviews below for a quick reference media guide along with creating a new Media page that will capture more articles in the future!


Electric Products & Solutions

November 2016
Electrical Products & Solutions Magazine

Magazine Article: Could Electromagnetic-Field Sensitivity be the New Tobacco?

Decades ago when society considered the health risk of tobacco addiction manufacturers could argue that there was no scientific evidence that linked smoking to lung cancer. Now a new debate that bears a striking resemblance has emerged and experts worry that modern nations have not yet awakened to the pervasive biological damage that may be caused by electromagnetic-field (EMF) toxicity.

Click here to read the Blog Post.
Click here to read Magazine article here.



November 2016
Adrenal Reset Summit 2016

Webinar: Adrenal Fatigue and EMFs – Interview with Eric Windheim

The Adrenal Reset Summit will give you the tools to change your diet, reduce your toxic burden, improve your lifestyle and make stress relief a daily habit — knowledge that could empower you to regain control of your health and happiness in life. Learn how electromagnetic-fields (EMFs) can affect your immune system and how they can be the cause or trigger adrenal fatigue.

Click here to read the Blog Post.
Click here to LISTEN to the online interview.

Get instant digital access to all 30+ audio Adrenal Fatigue presentations with our experts, including transcripts of all presentations. Click here to ORDER NOW

September 2016
Odwyer’s PR and Communications

Video Interview: Health Advocate Has Convincing Video on Radiation Dangers.

Author Joseph Ernest Martin talks with Eric about the dangers of Electromagnetic frequency radiation and it’s dangers. From smart meters to cell phones, you want to know what this new kind of energy does to your health and the environment.

Click here to read the Blog Post.
Click here to watch the video interview here.



July 2016
Health & Fitness Magazine

Magazine Article Cover Story: Living Inside An Electrical Cage Without Knowing It

What’s your EMF exposure in your cage – your home, work, and car? Which ones can you change today to give yourself a safe haven so your body can adequately rest, repair, and recuperate at night? Editor Dr. Donna interviews Eric Windheim to discuss electromagnetic radiation.

Click here to read the Blog Post.
Click here to read the magazine article.


eric.windheim.emf.photoAbout Eric
Eric Windheim, the founder of Windheim EMF Solutions is a certified Building Biology Ecology Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). Eric provides assessments that will detect, measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, office, or business in the Sacramento and surrounding areas.


Schedule an EMF Assessment with Windheim EMF Solutions Today – We Deliver Results!

Less EMF, Better Health, Live Longer.

For more information about our services, please click here.